The issue of discolored chipped and cracked teeth concerns practically everyone. If you are one of the many affected by this problem could be holding yourself back from having the issue corrected because of dental anxiety. How would you feel if offered a cosmetic dental bonding procedure guaranteed as a stress-free treatment?
Dental bonding is a process where your dentist in dentistry in Holmdel, NJ, applies a tooth-colored composite resin to one or more of your damaged teeth to repair them. This solution is cost-effective and considerably less expensive than other cosmetic dental procedures like veneers and crowns.
If you haven’t heard about the anxiety-free dental bonding procedure, let us explain the same to allow you an option to improve the appearance of your teeth.
Dental bonding is a simple procedure than other processes in cosmetic dentistry. Dental bonding is so simple that you won’t even require anesthesia when undergoing the same unless you want to have a cavity filled. Even better is the fact that it doesn’t require multiple visits to Holmdel dental as it is accomplished in one visit.
When beginning the process of your dentist uses a shade guide to choose the color of the composite resin to match your natural teeth closely. Your teeth are roughened by the dentist, who then applies a liquid to allow the bonding agent to adhere to the tooth.
The composite resin is applied over the liquid by the dentist who shapes and molds the tooth and hardens the material with ultraviolet light. If required, your tooth is shaped further after the resin hardens.
Dental bonding from A & A dental can fix defects within your tooth. Some people use the bonding procedure to repair cracked, discolored, or decayed teeth. The process is beneficial to close small gaps between your teeth. If you want to increase the size of a tooth, you can rest assured tooth bonding can accomplish this task for you.
Dental bonding is incredibly fast and does not require any downtime. If you don’t need anesthesia for having fillings, you can continue with your daily routine immediately of the procedure. The entire process requires 30 to 60 minutes, although some appointments may require additional time depending on the extent of the system.
No significant risks are associated with dental bonding. However, you must bear in mind that the composite resin material used during the procedure isn’t as durable as your natural teeth. The material is vulnerable to chipping or separating from your natural tooth, which isn’t a common problem if you have crowns, fillings, or veneers.
Your bonded tooth can chip if you chew on pencils, bite your fingernails, frequently eat ice, bite down on her food, and candy. Composite resin isn’t stain-resistant like dental veneers, and you are susceptible to staining if you frequently drink a lot of coffee or smoke.
Preparing for dental bonding merely requires you to equip yourself with the finances before visiting the dentist’s office. Dental bonding costs around $ 300-$ 600 per tooth and lasts for 5 to 10 years. Dental bonding is considered a cosmetic procedure by dental insurers who are reluctant to finance the treatment.
Besides preparing yourself financially, you merely need to discuss your candidacy for the procedure with your dentist. Dental bonding may not be a suitable option for you if you are severe tooth decay or damage. Veneers or crowns are alternatives that are suitable for you in such situations.
After investing money to enhance the appearance of your teeth, you must indulge in some self-care tips to prolong the life of the dental bonding. The following tips are suggested by Holmdel dental as helpful for you:
If you accidentally chip or break the bonding material or experience any sharp or rough edges after the procedure, you can contact your dentist to correct it.
Having discoloration, chips, gaps between your teeth will impact your self-confidence. If you want an inexpensive method of boosting your smile, you can consult your dentist about dental bonding to understand whether it is the right procedure for you.
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