The process of dental bonding enables dentists to correct cosmetic issues with your teeth with dental resin. Dental bonding is an excellent method to improve stained, cracked, chipped, teeth with gaps and misshapen teeth.
Dental bonding is recommended to patients by A & A dental when the patient does not have sufficient budgets for expensive cosmetic dental procedures. Dental bonding is the most inexpensive procedure that can be completed in a single visit to the dentist’s office.
The cosmetic resin for dental bonding is applied directly over the enamel of the tooth. General dentistry Holmdel, NJ, prepares the tooth’s surface by etching the enamel with a roughing gel and, after that, coats the tooth with the composite resin to ensure the bonding material adheres to the tooth. You can select the shade of the resin along with dentist Holmdel, NJ, in a tone that matches your smile correctly. After you have chosen the shade of the composite resin, a dental professional will apply it to your teeth and mold it into shape. After the molding has hardened by using ultraviolet light, the dentist will polish your teeth to give them a natural shine.
Cosmetic dental bonding from Holmdel dental is one of the least expensive procedures besides being the easiest. The bonding can be completed in a single visit while other cosmetic treatments like veneers and crowns require multiple appointments. Dental bonding is also an excellent choice for masking unsightly gaps in the mouth to enable the patient to avoid the time and expenditure of orthodontics. Anesthesia is not required during the bonding procedure unless the patient needs to have a cavity filled. The average costs of dental bonding are approximately $ 300-$ 600 per tooth.
Patients with stained or damaged teeth can consider dental bonding is an excellent choice for perfecting the appearance of their teeth. Dental bonding is useful for repairing different types of cosmetic dentistry concerns such as:
Many patients find cosmetic dentistry solutions like dental bonding for them an excellent option to correct minor flaws or blemishes at a lower cost than other treatment options that are more invasive.
The procedure with dental bonding is relatively short, depending on the extensiveness of the damages in the patient’s mouth. The need for local anesthesia does not arise unless the patient needs a cavity filled. The dentist performing the procedure will assess the problem encountered by the patient before preparing the resin fillings for the teeth. The color of the composite resin is matched to the shade of the patient’s teeth to give it the appearance of the original teeth.
As mentioned earlier, the teeth undergoing the bonding procedure are etched before an adhesive material is applied. After correctly choosing the color and preparing the teeth to be bonded, the resin is applied and hardened by ultraviolet light. The teeth are also shaped and polished. After completing the procedure, the patient is free to leave the dental office and even go back to work immediately.
Resin bonding enables patients to quickly resolve minor dental problems without spending a fortune on the dental procedure. Bonding improves the appearance of the patient’s teeth and doesn’t require intensive maintenance.
Patients undergoing dental bonding are recommended to maintain proper oral hygiene. Brushing their teeth two times a day for two minutes each with fluoride toothpaste, flossing at least once a day, preferably before brushing, avoiding sticky and hard foods that can chip or break the bonding material and maintain six-monthly visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups. Following these recommendations will enable patients to keep their bonded teeth for 3 to 10 years.
Dental bonding, despite being an affordable treatment, is prone to staining, and patients are recommended to limit staining foods or beverages as well as sticky and hard foods to ensure they enjoy the full benefits of the procedure. However, any damages to the bonded teeth can be corrected by Holmdel dental if, for any reason, the patient inadvertently chips or cracks the bonding material.
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