Teeth whitening is a treatment option that removes the discoloration on your natural teeth.

5 Teeth Whitening Facts You Need to Know

Jan 01, 2021

Teeth whitening is a common cosmetic dentistry option you must have heard of. It is a proven procedure that gives patients their dream smile. There are 37.0 million Americans who use tooth whiteners. Most people have heard of this cosmetic dentistry option but don’t have all the right information about it. This article has five important teeth whitening facts you need to know.

Teeth whitening is a treatment option that removes the discoloration on your natural teeth. This treatment option can whiten your teeth and give you the confidence you were lacking. If your teeth are stained and are affecting your smile, talk to our dentist for teeth whitening services in Holmdel NJ.

What Causes Teeth Discoloration:

This dental issue can be caused by several things. Here are some of the teeth whitening facts that can cause you to stain and affect your smile.

Top 5 Teeth Whitening Facts


Teeth start to discolor as we age. This is because the tooth enamel starts to wear out. As the enamel wears out, it exposes dentin. This will cause your teeth to appear yellowish. People whose teeth enamel is worn out lack the confidence to talk and smile in public.

Certain Foods and Drinks

Some foods are known to cause teeth discoloration in people of all ages. Drinks like cola, coffee, and tea are the leading cause of teeth discoloration. Foods like potatoes and apples are also known to cause teeth discoloration if eaten for long periods. You can prevent your teeth from staining by avoiding these foods and drinks.


Smoking and chewing tobacco will stain your teeth. Quitting tobacco use will keep your teeth white and healthy.

Poor Oral Hygiene

People who don’t observe proper oral hygiene are at risk of ending up with discolored teeth. Poor oral hygiene will also lead to dental problems besides causing teeth discoloration. You should observe proper oral hygiene to prevent teeth discoloration and ensure optimal oral hygiene.

Certain medications

A number of antibiotic medications are known to cause teeth discoloration. Medications like Tetracycline and Doxycycline can cause teeth discoloration. You should consult our dentist in Holmdel NJ before using these medications.

    • Teeth Whitening procedure

This is a single visit dental procedure that we can complete in a few hours. There are two options when it comes to teeth whitening facts. Professional teeth whitening and home or DIY teeth whitening.

    • Professional Teeth Whitening

This is an in-office procedure that our Holmdel dentist can perform once you visit the clinic. In this option, the dentist will apply the whitening gel on your teeth and use a special light to activate it. Here is why our dentist recommends professional teeth whitening.

It is Safe

The dentist will use dental equipment to ensure the whitening gel doesn’t get in contact with your tongue, gums, or lips. Most whitening gels can cause irritation and other serious issues when they get in touch with your gums. If you want to ensure your safety during the procedure, you should visit our clinic for this procedure.

It is effective

Our dentists use a whitening gel with a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This will remove all the stains from your teeth and give you the results you want. This will also save your cash as your new smile will last longer.

    • Home Whitening Procedure

In this white whitening procedure, you only need to purchase over the counter whitening gels. You can then whiten your teeth on your own at home. Over the counter whitening gels contain fewer amounts of hydrogen peroxide. This means they won’t be effective against most teeth discolorations.

Your safety isn’t also assured when you whiten your teeth at home. This is because you won’t have the right equipment to protect your lips and gums from getting in contact with the whitening gel. The gel can cause injuries to your tongue gums and lips. You should visit our dentist for an in-office procedure to avoid causing complications.

    • Preventing Teeth Discoloration

Doing the following will ensure your teeth don’t get discolored.

    • Quit drinking and smoking
    • Maintain proper oral hygiene. Ensure you regularly brush and floss your teeth.
    • Go for professional teeth whitening at least twice a year.
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